Sunday, April 3, 2011

April 2nd - Holy cute batman

April 1st was just too crazy to get any photo stuff done. But I was asked to do some charity photo work for an organization that helps teen moms in Kalamazoo. There were a lot of cute kids - but this guy and I just connected.

April 2nd


  1. Hey dude.

    I was just wondering what photo editing software you use... caaause, your pictures are pretty baller. (: Hahaa. And also, I'm saving up for a 7d, and I wanted to know how you're enjoying yours so far!! You seem to be putting it to good use!

  2. Who couldn't connect with a face that cute!?! Great pics Kevin. Your blog really gives me a much needed lift throughout the week.

  3. Hannah, I run everything through lightroom and anything additional is done with photoshop. That's about it! I love the 7d for what I do, It's quick, durable, and i could run all the specs by you, but I'm sure you already have researched that!
